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"Star of the century" magazine is by the people's Republic of China News Publication Administration for approval, at home and abroad published releases a pure education G class journals, is the comprehensive education issue oriented. "Shijizhixing" is divided into primary school junior high school. High school edition version. Version 4 of this publication. The exchange version, each version has its own serial number.

CN11-9221/G 世纪之星—交流版

CN11-9221/G - Shijizhixing exchange version

CN11-9220/G 世纪之星—高中版

CN11-9220/G Shijizhixing - high school edition

CN11-9219/G 世纪之星—初中版

CN11-9219/G Shijizhixing - Junior Middle School

CN11-9218/G 世纪之星—小学版

CN11-9218/G Shijizhixing - Primary School Edition


This print is "China Wanfang Data", "China Longyuan journal database, the core journals of China (selection) database" wait for much home database included. To provide an important basis for the assessment and promotion of the educational workers.


The purpose of


"Star of the century" is a pure academic education in professional journals, and to explore the curriculum reform of education and teaching in the process of new ideas and new features. Set of academic, practical, authoritative, forward-looking and professional in one, designed to promote educational new theory, new experience, for our education and scientific research workers with academic exchange platform, comprehensively promote quality education.


Column setting


Teaching management, educational research, teaching practice, classroom teaching, new curriculum research, ideological and political education, physical education, academic exchange

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