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2015年 第6期目录

(1)Research on the Human resource management of Lenovo Group

Lingyan Li

(3)The research of the community-home elderly long-term care service system

Qiang Zhu

(6)Research on "Intemet + Fishery" Drop-shipping Model

Li Xiaoling Yu Chengqing

(11)Discussion and Measurement of Main Problems of the Currem Ideological and Political Education in College

Jianqiang Yang

(15)The analysis of commissioned risk in social security fund investment process

Xing Yuange Longquan Xu

(19)Co-integration Analysis of the Effect of Population Urbanization on Urban-rural Income Gap in Jiangxi Province

He Yinjuan

(22)Credit Risk Transfer and the Performance of Commercial Banks --Based on the Panel Data

Wang shoufang

(28)Study on the alternative rate of rural residents' pension and the mechanism of financial allocation

We Gege Feng Shuai

(32)The path selection of realize the value of the social security fund in our country

Liu Fan

(36)Research of great sickness assistance and protection mechanism

Peng Ge Xing Yuange

(39)Role orientation of the government in the development of the aging industry in the perspective of welfare pluralism theory

Xu TingTing

(42)The Value of Social Security Fund Research

Xueqian Bi

(45)China's social security fund risk management and social supervision research

Li Keyan

(48)The Research of community endowment service supply' s problems

Jiayu Deng Rui Wang Zhihui Gan

(51)Social Security audit integration path analysis

Guo Yantong

(54)Analysis on the Quality Assessment Mechanism of China's Pension Services

Gao Tingting

(57)Imroduction to the pension market

Zhang Ying

(60)Development trend of urban community elderly care service industry in the era of"Intemet +"

Xiaohang Zhu Meng Yue Taihui Xu

(63)Humanism In Shakespeare's Tragedy

Li Yun

(65)Tsingtao li stone community management present situation analysis

Chen Chen Shi Menglin

(68)Analysis of the necessity of Shanghai's long-term care insurance

Yang Jie

(70)MR Request Procedures from Chinese Medical Facility vs That from US Medical Facility

Ji Huanhuan

(74)Social Exclusion Moved Horizon Elderly Social Integration Research

Zhao Peng

(77)Building Long-Term Care Insurance System in China

Juan Yang[1];Li Hua Chen[2]

(80)Social Equity: View from Pension System Unification

Wen Lu

(83)Analysis on preserving or increasing the value of social security funds under the new normal economy in China

Longquan Xu Ge Peng

(86)Integration of urban and rural minimum living standard security system

Feng Shuai Wei Gege

(89)The study of urban community endowment service problem in China --Demand of the elderly in Taiyuan city

Li Xu Zhangyi Chen Gao Lu

(92)From the empty nest elderly to explore the era of Internet + in Shanghai community enctowment problems at home

Wang Hainan

(95)Zibo MATO village public health service development present situation and problem analysis

Shi Menglin Chen Chen

(98)Main Content and Enlightenment of Western state retirement system

Shi Shuangyan

(101)The analysis of migrant workers social security

Huang Can-hua

(104)Difficulties and Restricting Factors of the Current Wisdom Pension Operation in China

Ke Wang

(107)The reproducible analysis of Sweden' s "nominal account number system" in China

Liping Jin Shiyan Luo Yanting Xu

(109)Policy analysis of pension services in differem age groups

Li Na

(111)Research on the applicable problems of the rules of the exclusion of the illegal evidences

Guo Yujing

(115)On the necessity and countermeasures of the "internalization" construction of the China-characterized public diplomacy under the new situations

Li Weitao

(119)Enterprise employees voluntarily delay retirement policy research

Mengling Wu

(122)Analyses the Endowment Insurance System of Flexible Employment

Rui Wang Jiayu Deng Yixuan Xie


Research on the Human resource management of Lenovo Group

《国际英语教育研究:英文版》2015年 第6期 | Lingyan Li   School of Management Shanghai University of Engineering Science Country Shanghai

摘 要:

【分 类】 【经济】 > 经济计划与管理 > 企业经济 > 企业计划与经营决策 > 企业行政管理 > 人事管理【经济】 > 工业经济 > 中国工业经济 > 工业部门经济

【关键词】 人力资源管理 联想集团 移动互联网业务 知识经济 资源战略 IBM 波士顿 PC

【出 处】 《国际英语教育研究:英文版》2015年 第6期 1-2页 共2页

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主  编:陈鹏飞

刊  期:月刊

开  本:大16开


单  价:10.00

定  价:120.00





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