
主管:河北省社会科学院         主办:河北省社会科学院


国内刊号:13-1371/F   国际刊号:1673-5641







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 《产业与科技论坛》(ISSN 1673-5641 CN 13-1371/F 邮发代号:18-181)是河北省社会科学院主管,河北省社会科学院财贸经济研究所主办的一本大型经济管理类学术期刊,被中国知网CNKI《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》和万方—数字化期刊群《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》全文收录。

   Industry and technology BBS (ISSN 1673-5641 CN 13-1371 / F emailed code: 18-181) is the head of hebei academy of social sciences, hebei academy of social sciences institute of finance and economy of a big economic management kind of academic journals, Chinese hownet CNKI China academic journal network publishing pool and ten thousand cubic meters - digital periodical group of Chinese core journals (selection) database in full.


   In deng xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought, comprehensively implement the scientific outlook on development and building a harmonious society the important thoughts as the instruction; Spread at home and abroad economic and science and technology management theory, explore the practice of management and innovation in science and technology as the objective; In economy, science and technology, management, natural and social reform and development, progress and innovation as the core content categories; To reflect and communication area at home and abroad, the national industry and the progress of science and technology innovation as the main body; With scientific, theoretical, innovative, practical features, theory and practice of domestic and international public offering provincial comprehensive semimonthly.

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