
主管:国家医疗保健器具工程技术研究中心         主办:国家医疗保健器具工程技


国内刊号:CN44-1655/R    国际刊号:ISSN1674-4659

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The Journal of clinical medicine is the academic journal of science and technology sponsored by the National Institute of medical and health care equipment Engineering Technology Research Center (Guangdong Institute of medical equipment research institute), which is approved by the national press and Publication Administration (946). "To serve the clinical doctors and medical engineering personnel" for the purpose.
Review; works (clinical engineering; experimental study; clinical research; nursing research; survey statistics; traditional Chinese Medicine); review.
《临床医学工程》为“中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊”(编号:ZY0849),中国知网(CNKI)全文收录期刊;“中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库收录期刊”(编号GD084),万方数据-数字化期刊群(Wanfangdata)全文收录期刊;“中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)收录期刊”(编号06-1063);Airiti Library(台湾华艺线上图书馆)全文收录期刊。已被众多科技文献检索系统全文收录或摘要收录。
The clinical medical engineering "as the" Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database statistical source journals (serial number: ZY0849), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) full-text included journals, "Chinese core periodicals (selection) database is a collection of Journals" (No. GD084), Wanfang Data - Digital Periodical Group (Wanfangdata) full-text included journals, "Chinese science and technology periodical database (full version) included journals" (No. 061063); Airiti Library (Taiwan Huayi Online Library) full-text included journals. Has been a large number of scientific and technical literature retrieval system included or summary of the text.
本站:杂志协同采编平台 · 版权所有:《临床医学工程》杂志社·本平台信息来源于网络公开信息和社内征稿函。如有异议,可来函告知!