
主管:北京市科学技术研究院         主办:北京自动测试技术研究所


国内刊号:11-3927/TN   国际刊号:1000-8519




刊  期:月刊

开  本:16开


复合影响因子: 0.457
综合影响因子: 0.213
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Journal of electronic testing agency / magazine


"Electronic test" (semimonthly) was founded in 1983, organized by the Beijingauto testing technology research. The head of Beijing Municipal Institute of science and technology, science and technology specialty publications issued at home and abroad. To introduce the latest electronic technology and test and measurement technology, uphold the professional and authoritative publication purpose, adhere to the prospective, technical and practical editing guidelines fortest, measurement and automatic control of the industry engineers and technical R & D personnel to provide a new and reliable technology and application and industry information.


"Electronic test" witnessed China electronic test and measurement industry. How is the international and domestic market to provide competitive products, to master the advanced measurement technique by test engineers and Research on test and measurement field has been paid, and build a communicationindustry information platform for them to create a broad space, academic exchange is the core mission of electronic test "" since start publication. At present, many research institutes, universities and colleges by the scientific eliteand engaged in microelectronics industry and electronic product development and technical personnel have become loyal readers, we issued in strict adherence to the "premise of quality than quantity", has now increased to forty thousand copies.


Electronic test included / influence factor

国家新闻出版总署收录 中国知网、维普中文期刊网、万方期刊数据库、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库收录

Chinese HowNet, VIP Chinese journal net, Wanfang periodical database, Chinacore journals cited by the General Administration of press and Publication(selection) database


1, the core journals of science and technology: China core journals of science and Technology (2013)


2, data: MARC data, DC data


3, the State Library: library, Shanghai Library


4, impact factor:


By the end of 2014 Wanfang: impact factor: 0.318; total cited frequency: 350


By the end of 2014 HowNet: composite impact factor: 0.457; comprehensive influence factor: 0.213


Set the electronic test columns


Design and development, virtual instrument technology, microprocessor withprogrammable devices, application of new special collection, evaluation and testing tool solution, the new software, hardware, new product consulting andindustry news, motherboard, motherboard, newly introduced technical bulletinmarketing department special planning, a new game
本站:杂志协同采编平台 · 版权所有:《电子测试:新电子》杂志社·本平台信息来源于网络公开信息和社内征稿函。如有异议,可来函告知!