
主管:新华通讯社         主办:中国新闻技术工作者联合会


国内刊号:11-4653/N   国际刊号:1671-0134

刊名: 中国传媒科技
       Science & Technology for China's Mass Media
主办:  中国新闻技术工作者联合会
周期:  月刊
语种:  中文;
开本:  大16开
ISSN: 1671-0134
CN:   11-4653/N
邮发代号: 82-828

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  • 工作时间:早上9点——下午5点(周日除外)

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China media magazine / Journal
"Chinese media technology" was of: (China news and Technology) (semimonthly)was founded in 1993, sponsored by the Chinese news and technical workersfederation. Adhering to the "conception, looking serious view, user-friendly,advanced and practical" style has always been, committed to independentjudgments on contemporary China media technology development and theprofound analysis, innovative application focus on information technology, for themedia to bring the huge development potential, is a to the authority of the mediaguide and the role of the general staff in China media development process.
"China media technology" magazine is the technical director of the media industrydecision makers, as directional readers this print only service, CCTV, in ChinaRadio International, the Central People's broadcasting station, people's Daily News Information Center, State Administration of Radio Film and television and other authority support, from "science and technology to promote the progress ofthe media" a unique perspective, closely followed by information technology to promote the rapid development of the media industry under the footsteps of the times, all change always pay attention to information technology brought to themedia industry, closely follow the various information of all the latest technology,advanced and practical introduction, represents innovation development direction, focus on refining the strokes, popular for the transfer, vivid the appealto a large number of readers of a can increase knowledge, develop ideas,improve skills, understand the new technology works.
Science in China included / influence factor
国家新闻出版总署收录 万方数据库、知网数据库收录
The General Administration of press and publication included in terms ofWanfang database, HowNet database
Impact factor:
By the end of 2014 Wanfang: impact factor: 0.221; total cited frequency: 143
Setting the Chinese media technology section
To promote the frontier science and technology, people, new courier, IT three lines, new media lab, photo stories, interviews, media Tan Bo theory, new media,print media, radio and television digital network technology to observe, cover story, special, special attention, media technology, radio and television,newspapers and news agencies, practical, new salon.
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