
主管: 江苏省科学技术厅         主办:江苏省科技情报所


国内刊号:32-1675/TN    国际刊号:1672-6944

主管: 江苏省科学技术厅
主办: 江苏省科技情报所
创刊时间: 2004年
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    QQ:1605133527 ;2509007402
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    QQ:1605133527 ;2509007402
  • 工作时间:早上9点——下午5点(周日除外)

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    This newspaper publicity of the party and the state line, principles and policies and regulations and reform measures, spread and the exchange of Internet unit in the reform of new things, new experiences, introduces dynamic foreign management, carry out academic exchanges, in order to improve the management level of the Internet industry, for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics to make due contributions. This newspaper column "foresight" industry experts horizons "wireless" heaven and earth "theory of pipe scale", "economic point of view" communication "watch" "network" "computer world," "software perspective" "experimental research" "market and" activity "teaching" "social wide" spread "fabric" such as "new media" has been well received by readers.


    国内标准刊号:CN 32-1675/TN,国际标准刊号ISSN 1672-6944,面向国内外公开发行。本刊文章已被中国学术期刊网络出版总库(知网)、万方数据期刊网、维普期刊数据库等网站收录。本刊栏目"业界前瞻""专家视野""无线天地""管理论衡""经贸视点""通信观察""网络地带""计算机世界""软件透视""实验研究""市场纵横""教学实录""社会广角""传播经纬""新媒体"等一直深受广大读者好评。
    Domestic standard serial number: CN/TN, 32-1675 international standard serial number ISSN 1672-6944, and the public at home and abroad. Article has been published by China academic journal network pool (network), data of ten thousand journal net, weipu journal database website. This newspaper columns "industry outlook" "experts view" "wireless heaven and earth" "theory of pipe scale", "" economic view" communication observation "" Internet zone" "computer world" "software perspective" "experimental research" "market and" activity "teaching", "social issues" spread "jingwei" such as "new media" has been well received by readers.

    This newspaper publicity of the party and the state line, principles and policies and regulations and reform measures, spread and the exchange of Internet unit in the reform of new things, new experiences, introduces dynamic foreign management, carry out academic exchanges, in order to improve the management level of the Internet industry, for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics to make due contributions. Wireless technology is the competent science and technology department of jiangsu province, jiangsu province science and technology they host the big issue of science and technology, is the Chinese core journals (selection) journals, good journals in jiangsu province.

本站:杂志协同采编平台 · 版权所有:《无线互联科技》杂志社·本平台信息来源于网络公开信息和社内征稿函。如有异议,可来函告知!