
主管:同济大学         主办:同济大学出版社有限公司


国内刊号:31-2138/R   国际刊号: 2096-3602



国内统一刊号: CN 31-2138/R
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2096-3602

  • 投稿咨询:
    QQ:1605133527 ;2509007402
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    QQ:1605133527 ;2509007402
  • 工作时间:早上9点——下午5点(周日除外)

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Special Comment
Radiation segmentectomy for hepatic malignancies: Indications, devices,dosimetry, procedure, clinical outcomes, and toxicity of yttrium-90 microspheres(1)Zhongzhi Jia;Caoye Wang;Ricardo Paz-Fumagalli;Weiping Wang
Blood oxygen level–dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging can evaluate the efficiency of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in hepatocellular carcinoma(5)Lizhi Xiao;Enhua Xiao
Aims and Scope The Journal of interventional Medicine(6)
Special Comment
Application of ozone therapy in interventional medicine(8)Kenan Hao;Shuiying Tang;Huaning Xie;Xinmin Li;Xiaofeng He
In vitro investigation of a new thrombus aspiration and autologous blood reinfusion system(12)Weixiao Li;Qiang Li;Shuiting Zhai;Tianxiao Li;Nick Cheshire;Zhidong Zhang;Kai Liang
Impact of serum levels of lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, and endothelial lipase on the progression of coronary artery disease(16)Hui Han;Daopeng Dai;Wencheng Wang;Jinzhou Zhu;Zhengbin Zhu;Lin Lu;Ruiyan Zhang
Changes in the frequency of myeloid-derived suppressor cells after transarterial chemoembolization with gelatin sponge microparticles for hepatocellular carcinoma(21)Yuanxun Yue;Zhizhong Ren;Ying Liu;Yuewei Zhang
Analysis of negative DSA findings in patients with acute nonvariceal gastrointestinal bleeding: A retrospective study of 133 patients(27)Tianhe Ye;Lian Yang;Qi Wang;Jiacheng Liu;Chen Zhou;Chuansheng Zheng;Bin Xiong
Transradial versus transfemoral approach for cerebral angiography: A prospective comparison(31)Ziliang Wang;Jinchao Xia;Wei Wang;Gangqin Xu;Jianjun Gu;Yongfeng Wang;Tianxiao Li
Endovascular treatment for left innominate vein aneurysm: Case report and literature review(35)Gaopo Cai;Zhaohui Hua;Peng Xu;Zhouyang Jiao;Hui Cao;Shirui Liu;Jing Yuan;Zhengyu Peng;Zhen Li
A modified wire-loop snare technique for the retrieval of a large cardiac cement embolus caused by cement leakage after percutaneous vertebroplasty(38)Fei Teng;Xin jian Xu;Qiang Liu

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