
主管:教育部         主办:清华大学


国内刊号:CN 10-1106/TU   国际刊号:ISSN 1996-3599

国内统一刊号:CN 10-1106/TU
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1996-3599
  • 投稿咨询:
    QQ:1605133527 ;2509007402
  • 稿件查询:
    QQ:1605133527 ;2509007402
  • 工作时间:早上9点——下午5点(周日除外)

当前位置:首页 > 往期目录

Cooling energy saving associated with exterior greenery systems for three US Department of Energy (DOE) standard reference buildings.
Data-driven based estimation of HVAC energy consumption using an improved Fourier series decomposition in buildings
Fast bidirectional building performance optimization at the early design stage
Daylighting and visual comfort of oriental sun responsive skins:A parametric analysis
Numerical study on cooling performance of a ventilated Trombe wall with phase change materials
Potential of perforated exterior louvers to improve the comfort and energy performance of an office space in different climates
Benefits of latent thermal energy storage in the retrofit of Canadian high-rise residential buildings
Energy evaluation of residential buildings: Performance gap analysis incorporating uncertainties in the evaluation methods
Building electric energy prediction modeling for BEMS using easily obtainable weather factors with Kriging model and data mining

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